New Archeology for Liban and Płaszów – Book, 2019

The material in this volume is the second iteration of a project which originally took the form of an exhibition during Krakow Photomonth 2017: Diana Lelonek, A New Archaeology for Liban and Płaszów (MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, April–June 2017, guest curated by GordonMacDonald). The photographs comprising this project are of objects the artist found in the course of her field research in the Liban Quarry and on the site of the former Krakow-Płaszów concentration camp in Krakow, as well as of  exhibits loaned by the Geological Museum in Krakow.

This project was made possible thanks to a grant for Diana Lelonek from the “Młoda Polska” (Young Poland) grant program.

Project partner: Foundation for Visual Arts

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