Forms of survival , 2020

The video „Forms of survival” was inspired by the numerous emails I received from various cultural institutions, festival and biennial organizers about exhibitions and events cancelled because of the pandemic. The short stories based on them are visions of the potential future of art institutions in the face of climate, economy, democracy, and other crises. In the film, these institutions begin to take on various new roles in an attempt to adapt to the present-day conditions or to face future challenges. The exhibition spaces are transformed into housing for climate refugees, gallery workers re-naturalize rivers in a community effort, beehives are erected on the roof of the museum, and the surrounding areas are transformed into agrarian fields. The only thing that is no longer present in the once white and now decaying museum spaces are artworks. The work was created as part of the “micro-procurement” series carried out by Jasna 10: Political Critique’s Club in Warsaw (part of the „Jasna Centre” programme financed by the Capital City of Warsaw) and as part of an artistic residency at the Arsenał Gallery in Białystok in July 2020.


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