Post-exhibition catalogue, 2019

I decided to move founds for the exhibition catalogue and buy two photovoltanic screens instead of this. This installation supply in energy all works during my solo show „Report” at BWA Bydgoszcz ( „Post-exhibition catalogue” will stay on the gallery’s roof and will produce solar energy for next expositions. In Poland 80% of the energy is still coming from coal. BWA Bydgoszcz Gallery is now the first gallery in PL where the gallery’s space is powered by solar energy.

„The installation of two photovoltaic screens, acting as an exhibition catalogue. The solar installation works in a number of ways: it is an artistic object, whose main role is the production of alternative energy supplying the exhibition. Redirecting funds to this form of publication stands in opposition to overproduction, and the montage itself is treated as a performative action, documented and presented within the exhibition space. The roof of the gallery becomes an extension of the exhibition space, including its ideological dimension, which begins to have a real impact on the practice of life. This is the starting point for a broader discussion on alternative ecological methods that can be applied within the art world (…) The screens on the roof were installed by the guest invited to collaborate on this project: Antoni Rogala and the activist Solar Ninja, who both try to give people energy independence by various methods. For several years, Antoni has been trying to convince the housing community of his Puławska 266 estate in Warsaw to use the roof surface of the block for a solar power plant. Antoni calculated that a roof area of 2200 m2 is enough for an installation or many small installations that will supply all 100 apartments with energy. The activist Solar Ninja cultivates urban solar guerrilla actions by placing photovoltaic screens on the roofs of housing blocks, dodging procedures and hacking the system.”



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