Installation, 9 pieces, 5×2 meters, photographs in wooden, handmade, upcycling frames, 2019

The installation, consisting from photographs of birds found on a Baltic seaside and photographs of selected objects from the collection of the Natural History Museum in Basel, presenting extinct bird species: Kauai O – o, Seaside Sparrow, Wandering Pigeon. Installation was made during the residency program of Photography Festival „W ramach Sopotu”, Sopot, PL 2019 and was continue during the residency at Atelier Mondial, Basel, 2019 as a part of Culturescapes Festival in collaboration with Natural History Museum in Basel.

Installation view: Solo Show „Raport” at BWA Gallery, Bydgoszcz, PL, 2019



installation view, „Altar” at „Report” exhibtion by Diana Lelonek at BWA Bydgoszcz Gallery, 2019
installation view, „Altar” at „Report” exhibtion by Diana Lelonek at BWA Bydgoszcz Gallery, 2019




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