„In the Konin Coalfield, opencast mines have led to the degradation and modification of the landscape, drying out of lakes, formation of slagheaps, and resettling ofentire towns. Although mining is doomed to fail (lodes will only last for another 30 years, and mining is becoming less and less profitable), there is no coherent vision of a post-coal reality. The question of how to conduct the just transition of the region remains open. Diana Lelonek proposes a solution: reinventing the character of the region. To do so, she uses the potential of seaberry, a plant that grows abundantly in post-mining areas, and can cope well with barren soil. Seaberry is also a plant known as a „superfood”, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Lelonek suggests making the seaberry the new symbol of the region, and creating a line of local food products, based on its fruits picked up on slagheaps. Seaberry Slagheap is an artistic project and an actually existing initiative producing jams and juices. It offers a positive vision of development for the degraded region, from which locals and small-scale manufactures could benefit. At the same time, it problematizes the categories of green and conscious consumption. The stall created by Lelonek refers to „ecological” aesthetics, currently used both by local sellers, as well as countries or international corporations. One of the reactions of capitalism to the advancing climate change is not to redefine the principles on which it is based, but to profit from the growing ecological awareness of society. Consumers are held responsible for the upcoming catastrophe, and consumption is presented as the only available method of saving the world.” Kuba Gawkowski ( from the curatorial text to „The most beautiful catastrophe”, Center For Contemporary Art „Kronika”, Bytom, 2018)
https: https://artmargins.com/seaberry-juice-in-extractivist-ruins-the-cosmopolitical-art-of-diana-lelonek/?fbclid=IwAR0Xbn_Xb3x2dJX960G8Jh35dJ3aZhDZpwLcINcSbU-MDJuc9ssgD9fQDOs http://pismowidok.org/en/archive/22-how-to-see-the-antropocene/a-creeping-disaster